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UML2001- 统一建模语言. 造型语言观念、和工具(英文版)

定 价:¥651.63

作 者: Martin Gogolla (Editor), Cris Kobryn (Editor) 著
出版社: Oversea Publishing House
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540426677 出版时间: 2001-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer science research,development,and education,at a high level and in both printed and electronic form.Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals,as well as with prestigious organizations and societies,LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science resarch forum available.The scope of LNCS,including its subseries LNAI,spans the whole range of computer science and information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields.The type of material publised traditionally includes.-proceedings(published in time for the respective conference)-post-proceedings(consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers)-research monographs(which may be basde on outstanding PhD work,research projects,technical reports,etc.)


暂缺《UML2001- 统一建模语言. 造型语言观念、和工具(英文版)》作者简介


Invited Talk
The Preacher at Arrakeen
An Action Semantics for MML
The Essence of Multilevel Metamodeling
Mapping between Levels in the Metamodel Architecture
Activity D iagrams
An Execution Algorithm for UML Activity Graphs
Timing Analysis of UML Activity Diagrams
UML Activity Diagrams as a Workflow Specification Language
On Querying UML Data Models with OCL
OCL as a Specification Language for Business Rules in Database Applications
A Formal Semantics for OCL 1.4
Architecture and Patterns
Refactoring UML Models
UML Support for Designing Software Systems as a Composition of Design Patterns
Integrating the ConcernBASE Approach with SADL
Analysis and Testing
The Message Paradigm in Object-Oriented Analysis
A UML-Based Approach to System Testing
Performance and Databases
UML Modelling and Performance Analysis of Mobile Software Architectures
Extending UML for Object-Relational Database Design
Invited Talk
Understanding UMLPains and Rewards
